For the last 20 years, we have navigated the fashion industry with our hearts.

Our wish first and foremost is to bring you joy with colourful clothing that adds a spirit of creative freedom to your wardrobe.

But there is no joy without accountability:

Our actions have a real impact and we try to ensure our impact is managed, minimised and, where possible, positive!

Since all of us are working from the heart to change our business: 

Our manifesto is called FROM THE HEART.

Des Petits Hauts has always been inextricably linked with a total commitment to quality. 

We might be clothing designers, but first and foremost we’re demanding customers and lovers of fine materials with an appreciation for garment quality. 

 That is why we choose to surround ourselves with the best manufacturers and why we select
their finest raw materials.

Choosing the right materials is a vital step in offering high-quality clothing! We are passionate about natural materials: mohair, merino, wool, linen, alpaca, cotton and more. 

We select the highest-quality examples and require certifications from manufacturers to assure you that our products do no harm and that our approach considers the environment. 

This means refraining from using certain materials, like angora, as overproduction is a scourge on this supply chain,
with negative consequences for animal welfare.

Whether they’re based in Italy, India, Romania, China or Portugal, all our partners have one thing in common: they’re fantastic!

Our partner workshops do an amazing job. They share our taste for fine craftsmanship and the art of finishing.

Without them, there would be no bright colours, dazzling glitter or incredible softness. They make everything we dream of – and they do it so well.

We’re proud to have been one of the first brands in our field to have focused on transparency with Fairly Made, a company that has a positive impact.

Thanks to them, we can provide you with product information that tracks the item’s history from the very first thread to the final version.

With Fairly Made, we offer 100% transparency of the social and environmental impact of our products. Since progress always starts with understanding, we analyse this data and use it as focus for our work as we reduce our negative impact.

This lasting partnership has given rise to six 100% eco-friendly and responsible capsule collections. And we hope many more will be coming very soon!


of our knitwear is made
from Italian yarn


of our knitwear is produced
by European workshops


of our Ready-To-Wear
collection is traced


de notre offre est réalisée dans des matières 100% naturelles


of our denim line
is responsible


of the Ready-To-Wear collection is transported using more environmentally-friendly means (road & sea transport)

Être une marque et exister depuis deux décennies sur le marché français
nous donne une voix et l’opportunité de soutenir des initiatives et des personnes qui nous inspirent.

Notre dada à nous : la création ! Mieux, la création féminine. Nous aimons les artistes,
les illustratrices, les artisans et toutes les femmes qui ont un savoir-faire précieux.

Nous avons aussi multiplié les actions engagées aux travers de dons, de ventes aux enchères
comme de récoltes de vêtements ou un programme de réemploi des chutes de tissus.

Pour faire le bien autour de nous, 3 piliers nous guident :



Nous nous donnons la mission de soutenir les femmes artistes et les beaux savoir-faire artisanaux.

C’est pourquoi cela fait 20 ans que chaque année, nous soutenons une ou plusieurs artistes en leur proposant des collaborations :
- création d’un motif
- développement de papeterie illustrée
- proposer leurs objets dans nos boutiques

La liste des femmes extraordinaires avec qui nous avons eu la chance de collaborer est longue : la peintre Léa Maupetit, la céramiste Camille Esnée ou Élise Lefebvre…

À également découvrir sur notre marque :